Monday, December 12, 2011

Touring Bangladesh

As mentioned in my previous post, after just two weeks in the country, I had a wonderful week-long break during which I had the opportunity to have many mini adventures (one of which was contracting Dengue Fever...). Here's a little bit about what some fellow teachers and I got to see on our break :)

This beautiful sight is a small glimpse of Cox's Bazaar, the longest unbroken beach in Bangladesh and in the world. My fellow teachers decided to take their cook and her family on a trip to Cox's Bazaar for break and graciously invited me along as well. On our way down (the day after Eid), we saw a few interesting sights - check out my previous post for more details!

Once at Cox's, we took them straight to the beach, where the four girls immediately ran for the water. They loved it! Eti, the youngest, loved it so much, she wouldn't leave - even to eat!

The girls ran back and forth all afternoon collecting shells. It didn't matter to them that some of the shells were still inhabited by animals!

We also visited the Safari Park nearby, where I finally got to ride an elephant! It was a bit uncomfortable, but definitely worth every odd sensation (including the fact that elephants are actually hairy!)

Interestingly enough (or maybe not, since this is Bangladesh), we the foreigners seemed more interesting to the local people than the animals themselves. We had our pictures taken - unwillingly, I may add - several times, and even made it into a few home videos. What's it like? Well, it's a bit like being a celebrity, with none of the fame, money, or prestige. Or, it's like being a zoo animal...

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